Story Telling from the perspective of VCs & Startups


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Salem Washeely

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Story Telling from the perspective of VCs & Startups
By: Salem Washeely
Every single startup that was successful in raising from a VC must have had behind it a good story telling founder. Story telling is behind a successful fund raise but not definitely a successful startup.
Prior to the pandemic, we in the entrepreneurship ecosystem knew that entrepreneurs had the upper hand in fund raising. with the increase in this asset class, there was an increase in influx of capital which gave entrepreneurs more options and created competition. I still believe this is healthy though if it does not create an ugly and destructive competition. These two facts though lead to expediting fund raising process which overall beneficial to entrepreneurs as they focus less on fund raise and more into growing the business. However, IMO, a worrying investment decision with limited visibility and clear understanding of the business became an acceptable practice. This definitely is going to have an implication on startups adopting such tactics since not much support and help is going to be expected from investors with limited understanding of the business.
I am not in this blog suggesting that fund raise should be stupidly long, however, entrepreneurs need to understand that VCs, especially in the MENA region who are mostly generalists, can not come into a similar level of comprehension about the business. VCs, I believe, are great story tellers and the main proof is that they are able to convince a tough crowd with investments they have limited interactions with. Imagine how it is going to be a great help to provide them with more room to stimulate their cogitation and come into a level close to yours and therefore, become a great partner in brain storming your way into next growth milestones.
A helpful investor who could be another brain you lean into at great and tough times is a blessing that is unfortunately underrated but several great entrepreneurs really appreciate & value it.
To all the great entrepreneurs out there, all the best with your fund raise.

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